Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Green Ash - Fraxinus pennsylvanica

Oleaceae - Oilve Family
"A Year With the Trees" - Tree Number 66
Green AshTree
Fraxinus pennsylvanica

The Green Ash Tree leaves often have 7 leaflets in their compound leaf.  The margins are serrated and the branches are opposite.  Maples, Ashes, Dogwoods, and Horsechestnuts and Buckeyes are the most prevalent trees with opposite branching.
(from my journal)    

The Green Ash - Fraxinus pennsylvanica


The Green Ash Tree
The Botanical Gardens of Asheville

The Green Ash Tree has shiny green leaves above and paler beneath; leaves are opposite and pinnately compound. They usually have 7 leaflets. They are paired except at the end. The twigs are green and become gray with age. They are slender and hairless. The bark is gray, furrowed, and has a reddish inner bark.
The winged seeds, called samaras, are eaten by birds and small mammals. Whitetail and mule deer browse the twigs and foliage.


Green Ash
This Green Ash lives at the Botanical Gardens of Asheville


The Green Ash at the Botanical Gardens of Asheville

"The ash grove, how graceful, how plainly 'tis speaking,
The harp through it playing has language for me;
Whenever the light through its branches is breaking,
A host of kind faces is gazing on me.
The friends of my childhood again are before me,
Each step wakes a mem'ry, as freely I roam;
With soft whispers laden, its leaves rustle o'er me;
The ash grove, the ashgrove alone is my home."

Welsh folk song from the 1700's called Ash Grove.

The Champion Green Ash Trees

The champion Green Ash lives in Cass, Michigan. It stands 98 feet tall and has a circumference of 271 inches.
The Ohio Champion green ash tree is in Warren, Ohio. It is 229 inches in circumference. It is 117 feet tall.

My favorite Green Ash Tree

My two favorite Green Ash Tree live at the Botanical Gardens of Asheville and the other by by the Oakley Buncombe County Library.  I will be photographing and drawing the one by the library this year.  Please check back.
For the love of the trees,

from my journal

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