Sunday, February 19, 2023

Phenology -My Practice of Phenology at Priddy Woods - What is Phenology?

 My practice of Phenology at Priddy Woods

I have a practice of phenology at Priddy Woods.  At Priddy Woods I have currently 24 tree companions. I visit them every day I am at Priddy Woods.  I look into their branches and see what is happening.  I watch their leaves unfold,  the flowers bloom, the leaves change color in the fall; and I watch the leaves fall to the earth.  I am bringing awareness of the change of the seasons and how it shows up in nature and my life.  I am noticing nature's changes in the trees, the birds, the animals and myself, my family, and friends.  

I am a phenologist, I study the timing of the life cycle events in plants and animals.  However, to me, this is not just a "study", it is a practice of awareness and being grateful as well as a daily prayer that our grandchildren and their grandchildren for many generations may also witness the amazing life cycles of trees and flowers and birds and animals that share our earth with us.

What is phenology?

I quote from Natures Notebook,  You can read more at: National Phenology Network

"Phenology is the study of the timing of life cycle events in plants and animals, their recurrence, and relationship to the environment. The word comes from the Greek root word phaino, which means to show or appear.

Phenology is nature’s calendar—when cherry trees bloom, when a robin builds its nest and when leaves turn color in the fall.

Phenology is pollinators visiting open flowers to aid in reproduction, elk making mating calls, and a tadpole turning into a frog."

Bee on flower photo
Brian F. Powell. CC BY 4.0

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