Slash Pine
What a beautiful tree the Slash Pine is. You can find this tree on the coast in South Carolina and Georga. You can also find this tree in Florida, Alabama, and Mississippi. This tree has large flattened scaly plates. 7-10 inch needles, 2 to 3 in a bundle. The tree can grow up to 100 feet tall.
The Slash Pine is the tall and haunting Pine of the Pine Rocklands of South Florida. South Florida’s pine rockland habitat is said to be one of the most endangered habitats in the world. A Pine rockland has an open canopy of slash pine.
Photography by Robert Priddy. |
What a beautiful tree the Slash Pine is. You can find this tree on the coast in South Carolina and Georga. You can also find this tree in Florida, Alabama, and Mississippi. This tree has large flattened scaly plates. 7-10 inch needles, 2 to 3 in a bundle. The tree can grow up to 100 feet tall.
Slash Pine - Photography by Robert Priddy. |
The Pine Rocklands. Photo by Robert Priddy |
The Slash Pine is the tall and haunting Pine of the Pine Rocklands of South Florida. South Florida’s pine rockland habitat is said to be one of the most endangered habitats in the world. A Pine rockland has an open canopy of slash pine.